Thank you for being brave and spreading love through a year of uncertainty!

As Executive Director at Perley Health Foundation, let me take this opportunity to tell you:
Your support is making a world of difference during one of the most difficult times our nation has ever faced.
Recently, a Veteran here named Jean-Louis shared with us his life story. He spoke about his time serving abroad in Korea, his lifelong romance with his wife, Marjorie, her struggles with dementia and their journey to Perley Health. And I have to tell you, his story perfectly captures the love and bravery I’ve witnessed this year.
2020 has been a year of hardship and change, but through the kindness and dedication of individuals like you, Perley Health perseveres and continues to be the best home possible for seniors and Veterans, like Jean-Louis and Marjorie.
This global pandemic created a need unlike anything ever before – but you haven’t hesitated to show your support and be there for the seniors and Veterans who call Perley Health home.
Honestly, it’s difficult to find the words that express how meaningful your kindness and generosity is. The love and bravery you’ve shown this year is truly indescribable as your gift helps to sustain the best care possible while we fight one of the greatest health crises of our time! The outcry of support Perley Health has received is just astounding, too (we’ve never received so many words of encouragement!). But you must know, COVID-19 still affects us and because of it, Perley Health is struggling to fulfill the 2020 Priority Needs List for residents.
COVID-19 has created a huge financial challenge. And though your support has been truly inspiring, many new expenses continue to mound up. From increased staffing with meal helpers and cleaners to more personal protective equipment (PPE), to literally gallons of hand sanitizer, these expenses are great and government funding is lagging far behind.
That’s why I ask you to please consider an extra gift this holiday season that will help fulfill the Priority Needs of residents – like the purchase of essential medical equipment.
Honestly, you play a tremendous part in providing care for residents. For five months, we were in a facility-wide outbreak and due to government regulations and safety protocols were unable to let families visit their loved ones. But now that visitors are welcome once again, even in a limited capacity, I do my best to come out and say hi. I’m always greeted by happy faces – or in this case, happy eyes as everyone is masked up.
Visitors often say how brave we are for seeing their loved ones through this tough time, but to be honest, it’s family members and supporters like you who are the brave ones. Because bravery means trusting another through difficult circumstances – and the trust family members have in Perley Health and the support you’ve shown is nothing short of courageous!
At Perley Health, the word “Hero” is reserved for Veterans. But this year, we’ve come to call supporters like you “Our Champions.”
Caring for residents, no matter the circumstances, is simply what we do – which is why I ask you to be a Champion one more time this year and help make Perley Health an even better place to call home. You see, Perley Health sees everyone, residents and staff alike, like family. That’s what’s so extraordinary about this place! We’re a family. And that’s why your gift is so important and meaningful this Christmas.
These new expenses are here to stay for the foreseeable future as we all persevere through the challenges of this pandemic (which is already affecting our ability to check things off our Priority Needs List). Will you send a gift today? You have been a courageous and compassionate Champion to the staff and residents here at Perley Health.
This Christmas, please consider a gift. You can help Perley Health start the new year with the best resources possible!
Thank you so much for your kindness this year. And from all of us at Perley Health, we wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!
Delphine Haslé CFRE, MSc
Executive Director, Perley Health Foundation
P.S. If you were one of the supporters that sent a message of hope, please know we’ve hung your words of encouragement up in the hallway, so everyone here can see it!