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The Ozerdinc Grimes Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts Program

In honour of an exceptionally generous donation, Perley Health has announced a new name for one of its flagship programs: The Ozerdinc GrimesTherapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts Program. Kathleen Grimes and Ersin Ozerdinc, co-owners of Site Preparation Ltd., donated $500,000 to help fund the program and ensure that it benefits all residents — Veterans and Seniors alike. 

“For decades, Ersin and I have supported a variety of charities and causes,” says Kathleen Grimes. “The older we get, the more we recognize the importance of giving back to the community.”

Kathleen Grimes grew up in Ottawa and husband Ersin Ozerdinc emigrated from Turkey in the 1970s. The Royal Ottawa Hospital, Carleton University’s Centre in Modern Turkish Studies and the University of Ottawa Heart Institute are just three of the many local institutions to benefit from the couple’s generosity. 

The decision to donate so generously to Perley Health Foundation was inspired in part by the gift Kathleen received from a business colleague: a vase created by a resident in Perley Health’s arts studio. 

“I was struck by the quality of the workmanship,” Kathleen says. “As someone who once took pottery courses, I could tell that the piece was made in a properly outfitted studio.”

Years ago, Kathleen and Ersin’s children had volunteered in Ottawa long-term care homes and found the quality of arts programming there to be poor. The family recognizes that creative activities are extremely beneficial to psychological and physical health. 

“When we visited the studios at Perley Health, I was impressed by the equipment, and by the professionalism and passion of staff,” says Kathleen. “The resident who created it was clearly inspired to do excellent work and took pride in it. To have therapeutic value, these activities have to be meaningful and properly supported. We’re proud to be able to do our part.”