Incredible Acts of Kindness

At the heart of every act of kindness lies a personal story woven with threads of compassion, caring, and the desire to make a difference in the life of another. Meet Wayne and Judy Latour, whose incredible generosity is still impacting the quality of life of Seniors and Veterans at Perley Health today.

Judy’s commitment to serving others extended beyond her tenure at the Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus, where she worked for over two decades in the Lab Medicine Department. Her beloved husband, Wayne was a dedicated volunteer at Perley Health for years, winning many awards for his kind and compassionate service.

Wayne’s endearing wit and boundless spirit fostered a sense of community and spread joy wherever he went. From donning the mantle of Santa during the holidays, to taking residents on outings throughout the region, Wayne was always there, bringing a smile to the faces of residents and staff.

Wayne and Judy's long-time, dedicated support of the residents and staff at Perley Health underscored their personal values and their desire to make a lasting impact.

Wayne LatourWayne volunteering at a Perley Health BBQ.

Although, their passing left a void in the hearts of all those who were touched by their incredible spirit, a transformative gift in Judy’s will ensured their legacy continues on today. The Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care at Perley Health, which was once a dream is now a reality, ensuring that pioneering research and knowledge translation is transforming care for seniors everywhere.  

Through their selfless acts of generosity, Judy and Wayne have become architects of change. As we honour their memory, we carry forward their spirit, ensuring that their legacy of love continues to illuminate the path for generations to come.

If you would like more information on leaving a gift your will, please contact Delphine Haslé at (613)526-7914 or email