COVID-19: One Year Later

It’s been one year since COVID-19 changed the world. March 11, 2021 was the one-year anniversary of the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Ottawa. As I’ve found myself reflecting on the past year, I want to express my deepest gratitude to you for seeing us through.
This pandemic has put a spotlight on the vulnerabilities of long-term care. Because of you and our committed community, Perley Health was able to respond rapidly and continue to provide exceptional care for seniors and Veterans.
We asked donors like you to contribute to our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund — and you stepped up to make amazing things happen! You played a direct part in keeping residents and staff safe and our community connected, by funding personal protective equipment (PPE), additional cleaning staff, and tablets to support virtual visits.
A Year of COVID-19 at Perley Health:
- 438,000 masks
- 5,110 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 4,380 face shields
- 26,061 tests (including 511 on Wednesday March 10)
- 1,043 doses of the vaccine administered on-site
- 1,110+ people vaccinated (includes staff, residents, tenants and essential caregivers who have received their doses both on and off-site)
- 7,086 video calls
- 674 outdoor visits
- 98 window visits
- 1 new vaccination cart, known to staff as the Vac-Mobile
- Over 5 months without a resident case!
Thank you for helping seniors and Veterans when help was needed the most.
Together, we improve the well-being of the people we serve – during the pandemic and beyond.
Take care and stay safe,
Delphine Haslé
Executive Director
Perley Health Foundation
P.S. We still need your help to fulfill the 2021 resident priority needs list which includes the Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts program, essential equipment and all the other life-affirming extras that make living at Perley Health so meaningful. Please consider donating today to help seniors and Veterans thrive!