An Important Message from Dr. Robert, Perley Health Chief Medical Officer

As Perley Health’s Chief Medical Officer and avid canoeist, this is the way I often describe the journey of growing older. An overloaded, tippy canoe in rough waters is often like experiencing increasing frailty, living with a chronic illness, and coping with other challenges that aging brings. I want to thank you for helping hundreds of Seniors and Veterans navigate unfamiliar waters and live their fullest lives possible.
Thank you for making such a positive difference in my life’s work, the care we provide and our vision of transforming care for Canada’s aging population.
Many people I’ve met do not know all Perley Health offers. Most people think of Perley Health as a place with a great reputation for long-term care for Seniors and Veterans, and it is certainly that. But it’s so much more than that. Many are surprised to learn that Perley Health also offers independent living, assisted living, innovative programs and outreach services to help seniors living elsewhere.
Even fewer people know that programs developed at Perley Health are now in use at other long-term care homes and care settings. These programs have proven effective in providing optimal care, quality of life and peace of mind for families. You support these innovative programs that improve the lives of Seniors and Veterans in more ways and places than you may realize. Can I ask you to make one more donation and help improve even more lives?
As Canada’s population ages at the fastest rate in history, there is much more that we want to do at Perley Health to bring better care to more seniors in more places. Until now, our healthcare system has taken up to 17 years to roll out new best practices in seniors’ care. That’s just too long. We need to do better. Too many seniors have been left behind already. We can do better for Canada’s Seniors and Veterans with your donation today. Improving seniors’ care faster is one of the reasons why Perley Health decided to become the home to Canada’s only centre for practical research into care for older adults living with frailty. We’re researching how to improve care and enhance the lives lived by seniors in long-term care settings and Canadian communities.
Donating to Perley Health today will help us make care and life better for Canada’s Seniors and Veterans as quickly as possible. Can we count on you?
We’ve started researching and sharing knowledge that will transform Seniors’and Veterans’ care, but we need your help and donation today to do all that needs to be done.
My medical career journey started years ago in a growing Ottawa South community where I cared for mostly younger people, including families with children. I delivered babies and treated ear infections, but I wanted to do more. That decision eventually led me to seniors’ care, and today, I have the best job I have ever had.
Every day at Perley Health, I see the impact you make in the lives of residents and those of us who provide care. When I feel joy in seeing residents’ lives enjoyed to the fullest extent possible, I hope you feel the same. Will you donate today to help more Seniors and Veterans receive better care and live fuller lives?
I work with colleagues with the same passion, excitement and urgency as I have for the important work ahead in transforming care for a segment of our population who have earned and deserve better care. I go to work buoyed by your ongoing generosity and trust.
Each day at Perley Health, I see the care we deliver contributing to more effective research and better care. Our highly focused approach, supported by your donation, will lead to the more rapid sharing of knowledge, leading to the widespread transformation of seniors’ care. It will lead to a better healthcare system coping with a rapidly aging population. Ultimately it will lead to future generations of seniors receiving better care than ever before. This is what you help make happen when you donate to Perley Health.
Can we count on you to donate today?
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter today and for considering a donation to Perley Health and the future of seniors’ care in Canada. I hope you and your family are safe and well.
Dr. Benoît Robert, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer,
Perley Health