A Daughter's Gratitude

If you’ve ever been a caregiver, you know how worrisome and stressful it can be.  The weight of it all can keep you up at night, especially right now, having a loved one in long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic.  But I’m comforted knowing Dad is happy and comfortable at Perley Health.  

Thanks to you, I know that during these uncertain times Dad is able to enjoy activities that are meaningful to him. The Therapeutic Recreation and Creative Arts team continues to deliver engaging programming to small groups as part of the comprehensive care plan. You give staff the equipment and resources they need to maintain life as usual at Perley Health. Your support for Perley Health has made a profound difference in our lives. I can honestly say that I’ve never seen my Dad happier in his whole life, and I’ve never had a better relationship with my Dad since he began living at Perley Health. We have you to thank for his happy-go-lucky days, full of activities that he love.  

Dad is being cared for by people who know and accommodate his likes and dislikes, his needs and his quirks. Dad says Perley Health feels like home. You have given him that priceless gift. At least once a day he says, “I’m in my glory.” That’s why I just had to write you this letter, to let you know personally how much your kindness means to our family. To thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your generosity.

I also wanted to ask you to consider sending a special donation to acknowledge the amazing work of the front-line staff all year long and especially now, during this crisis.




You should have seen him before he came here! He and Mom were in a place that just didn’t have the expertise or the facilities to meet his needs. Thanks to you, life is different here! Every day, Dad goes for a long walk through the Perley Village. He often stops to chat to people, like his friend the barber who shares his morning newspaper with Dad.  We’re thrilled that Dad can also continue to cycle indoors.  When he first arrived, we asked if he could bring his beloved stationary bike. After an assessment to make sure he wasn’t at risk of hurting himself, staff gave the green light. The first week he was here, he put 200 km on that bike!    

Normally, Perley Health also gives my family and I the opportunity to have great visits with my Dad. We can meet in one of the lounges, which I hope you will help finish upgrading this year. The new ones are so comfy and filled with light. We can do puzzles or play games in the activity room. And when the weather is warm, we head out to the patios for a family barbecue. We are all looking forward to more puzzles in the lounge once this crisis is over.  In the meantime, I am grateful for the options I do have to connect with my dad, via donor-funded iPads – thanks to you. 

Most afternoons, Dad heads to the woodworking shop or the pottery studio. My father has always been creative, with a bit of a quirky bent. I remember once, when I was a kid, he stuck wooden legs into a bowling ball and turned it into a bird for the garden. The staff in the studio embrace his creativity, helping him bring his ideas to life. During this crisis that type of creativity can be seen throughout the home as staff work hard to keep all families connected and informed.  Since the restrictions to the home came into effect, staff have established communication supports through Skype and FaceTime, emails and phone calls. 

Your support is the reason I am able to stay connected with my Dad and why the shelves in his room are chock full of his creations. He’s so proud to show them to everyone who visits his room! Your kindness also enables me to have complete peace of mind, knowing that my Dad has the best care, from people who truly care. The staff always include me in discussions because they value my insights into his behavior and motivations, and the love I can provide that is so needed during this crisis. 

I honestly feel like we’ve won the lottery, and you gave us the winning ticket. I know Dad feels it too. One day, he turned to me and asked, “Is this going to be my home for the rest of my life?” And I said, “Yes, Dad, how lucky are you?” And he smiled and said, “Really lucky.” 


Carrie King

Grateful Daughter
Proud Supporter of Perley Health

P.S. My Dad is living his best life and as his daughter, I’m so thankful for your help. I hope you will make a special gift today. It will mean so much to my Dad, his fellow residents and the amazing front-line staff. Thank you!