Despite the challenges we face, Perley Health remains resilient

Before you read this letter, please, take a moment to recognize your bravery and compassion.
You supported seniors and Veterans through a time unlike any other. As CEO of Perley Health – and from the bottom of my heart; thank you.
When I walk through Perley Health, I see the results of your kindness in every room and every hall. Staff members are in their PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). Residents are on video calls with their families. And visitors are here, seeing their loved ones – some for the first time since March. Joy is in the air and relief fills every face I pass. You played a key role in making so much of this possible.
But I must tell you; the challenges of 2020 have not disappeared. They are still with us, and will be for some time. Which is why I’m asking you to be brave and compassionate once more and help us start 2021 off strong by making a donation today.
Please understand how vital your continued support is. By renewing your commitment, you will be giving seniors and Veterans a better life by enabling us to purchase essential equipment and fund programs from the Resident Priority Needs List
The Resident Priority Needs List is a concise list of the programs and items we need or must maintain to sustain the exceptional care our residents deserve.
Items on the list might not seem overly exciting, but they are absolutely necessary to ensure the best care for residents who look to staff to provide safety, comfort and hope through this difficult time. But we need you to make that happen.
Last year, I think our Foundation’s Executive Director and my friend, Delphine, said it best: “the word ‘Hero’ is reserved for Veterans. But this year, we’ve come to call supporters like you ‘Our Champions.’”
Delphine’s words perfectly express the gratitude and reverence we feel for selfless and brave individuals like you. You truly are a Champion. Which is why I hope you will renew your commitment this year as we continue the battle against COVID-19.
Writing to you now, I can’t help but reflect on last year’s challenges. I must admit, there was a lot of worry that our usual holiday festivities would be dampened by all the safety protocols and social distancing precautions. You see, Christmas is such a special time of the year at Perley Health – it’s a time of coming together with friends and family – and not being able to share in the way we have traditionally was difficult.
However, the holidays were still made special thanks to staff. Everyone had a great time, feasting on turkeys and sweets, laughing and enjoying carols sung by our staff, even though their voices were muffled by facemasks. Despite everything Perley Health staff and residents faced this year, we still embraced the holiday spirit and celebrated like one big family!
None of it would have happened if it weren’t for the support of committed donors like you, who aren’t just caring for residents and defending them from COVID-19. You’re helping us go on the offensive.
It’s no secret COVID-19 took a devastating toll on countless long-term care facilities across Canada. It fills me with dread to imagine this ever happening again. So, Perley Health is committed to improving long-term care not just for residents here, but for seniors and Veterans across our great nation.
As leaders in caring for frail seniors – and in developing new, innovative programs and services – we want to drive excellence in frailty-informed care by sharing our best practices with as many long-term care facilities as possible. You see, that’s why your support is so important!
With your continued support, we have the means to develop best practices that provide comfort and care not just at Perley Health, but all across Canada!
One best practice residents and staff truly benefitted from was having Tania our Infection Prevention and Control Manager, on staff before COVID-19 struck. Through Tania and her team’s efforts, we were much better prepared to implement new safety protocols and minimize the spread of the virus.
Two years ago, our Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care was established to research and develop new best practices in preparation of what the news has called the “Grey Tsunami” (the impending influx of seniors as the Baby Boomer generation begins to reach their senior years).
This is a gigantic challenge. And now because of this global pandemic, we’re doubling down on our effort to develop and strengthen partnerships with academic institutions and government agencies in order to improve the entire long-term care sector.
This global crisis has shown the great gaps and improvements we, as a nation, must make in long-term care. Perley Health can be part of the solution!
While your donation helps provide comfort and care for seniors and Veterans, donors like you are also supporting Perley Health's Centre of Excellence in Frailty-Informed Care and their research for all of Canada to benefit from!
With 450 residents, all with families and friends counting on us, I cannot stress to you enough how important your continued support is.
Your renewed commitment not only provides steady support through an unstable time. But you’re also helping residents through recreational programs that are crucial to their mental health and well-being. You’re supporting our efforts to spread the best care possible outside Perley Health’s doors and to long-term care facilities across our great nation!
Your commitment saw residents and frontline staff through 2020. And I couldn’t be more grateful to have felt your support in every hall and room last year. But if we’re going to make real change – today and for the future – we must stay the course we’ve already set. We must remain resilient and committed to long-term care. So, I ask you…
Again, thank you for your bravery and your compassion. I hope you join us through 2021 to make Perley Health an even more exceptional place to call home.
Akos Hoffer
Chief Executive Officer
Perley Health
Proud Donor
P.S. I’m proud to tell you that, as I write this letter, we’ve already begun vaccinations for residents and staff! Thanks to this, everyone and their loved ones are already feeling a great sense of relief that Perley Health is an even safer place to call home. Thank you for helping us to this point – and I hope you will donate and join us this year as well!
P.P.S. As a larger long-term care provider developing and implementing new best practices, we know we have an obligation to lead care for seniors and Veterans in the direction it needs to be headed. So, I ask you to think of your gift as not just a monetary amount – but as an investment in the leadership and future of senior care.