Big Rig Brewery Presents HOPE Volleyball SummerFest
HOPE - We Need You!
The Perley Rideau is proud to be one of five recipient charities of BIG RIG BREWERY PRESNTS: HOPE VOLLEYBALL SUMMERFEST 2019. 50 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to assist with Token Sales.
Volunteers must be a minimum of 19 years of age or older to sell tokens. Smart Serve Certification is an asset and encouraged. For this area, volunteers should be comfortable in dealing with the public, being in large crowds and handling cash.
All volunteers will receive a deluxe Perley Rideau baseball cap, and much more! Contact Sara at 613-526-7170 x.7150 or to inquire about volunteering.
View location on Google Maps:
Mooney's Bay Beach
2960 Riverside Dr, Ottawa, ON K1V 8N4